82nd Airborne Podcast

Steve Zaley spent three decades listening to his father’s stories about fighting in World War II with the 82nd Airborne Division’s 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment.  He spent another twenty years writing a full anthology about his father’s experience.  The book, “They Are Only Gone If They Are Forgotten,” is the subject of the Senior Radio in Buffalo NY.

Steve Zaley talks on Buffalo Senior Radio – WBENAM – Feb 16, 2019

Steve walks in his father’s shoes, taking us through the formation of th 505th in 1942, then onto North Africa, Sicily, Normany, and Holland.  D Day, Operation Market Garden, the Battle of the Bulge: his father was actually there.  This a story Steve simply had to tell and we’re glad he did. We must forever maintain the legacy of the men who defeated Nazsim and kept Europe free.

Steve Zaley talks on Buffalo Senior Radio – WBENAM – Feb 23, 2019

Special thanks to Buffalo Senior Radio Station WBENA for allowing us to post an excerpt from their podcast which can be heard in it’s entirety here. Feb 16, 2019 & Feb 23, 2019

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  • Travis Rolph August 15, 2019   Reply →

    I spent 22 years in Government service, the first five in C Company 2/505th PIR 82nd ABN DIV. I strive to read as much about about those who have gone before me as both remembrance and for lessons learned. I found this book to be an excellent archive of the origins of the 505th PIR and a great chronology of the units exploits in WWII. Thanks for taking the time to compile the information and numerous photos!

    • Steve Zaley August 15, 2019   Reply →

      I strived to recreate the era and times of the original paratroopers of The 82nd Airborne Division in WWII……Judging from the responses of the people (like your self) who read the book.I think I was successful…..My father and the men would have been so proud knowing that their story is being told one last time…..Thank you for your interest in They Are Only Gone If They Are Forgotten……
      S.R. Zaley

  • Michael Capizzi April 26, 2020   Reply →

    Great book!
    Would love to see this masterpiece come alive on the big screen one day!

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